Privacy Policy

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1Win India takes great care to protect the personal information of its users. 1Win’s privacy policy is designed to maximise transparency and security, ensuring that all user data is processed and stored in accordance with high privacy standards.

Information Collection

1Win India collects data necessary to provide quality services and ensure the safety of users. Such data includes:

  • Personal Information: First name, last name, date of birth, contact details and other details provided by users at the time of registration.
  • Financial Information: Details of payment means used for deposits and withdrawals.
  • Technical information: IP addresses, details of devices and browsers used to access the platform.

Use of information

The information collected is used for the following purposes:

  • Providing services: Processing transactions, fulfilling user requests and ensuring the correct operation of the platform.
  • Service Improvement: Analysing user behaviour to improve services and personalise the user experience.
  • Security: Detecting and preventing fraud, ensuring data security and protecting user accounts.

Data Security

1Win India employs advanced technologies and practices to protect user data from unauthorised access, loss or alteration. Security measures include:

  • Encryption: All data transmitted between the user and the platform is protected using state-of-the-art SSL encryption.
  • Access Controls: Access to users’ personal information is restricted and is only granted to authorised employees.
  • Regular audits: The platform undergoes regular security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.

Information Sharing

1Win India does not share users’ personal information with third parties without their consent, except as required by law. In certain situations, data may be shared with:

  • Regulatory Authorities: Where legally required or to comply with regulatory requirements.
  • Partners: Payment processors and other partners involved in the provision of services, provided they adhere to strict privacy standards.

User Rights

Users of 1Win India have the right to access, correct or delete their personal information. To exercise their rights, users can contact customer support.

Policy Update

1Win India reserves the right to make changes to the privacy policy. All changes will be published on the official website and users will be notified of significant changes.

Understanding and adhering to the privacy policy is an important part of ensuring the security and trust of 1Win India users.
